+61 (0) 448 314 313 | +61 (0) 8 8522 2913

The only Australian commercial distillery specialising in Australian Woody Essential Oils.

Wild Wood Oils of Australia

Wild Wood Oils of Australia

Distilling the Essence of the Australian Outback.

Wild Wood Oils produce commercial quantities of essential oil for manufacturers of aroma therapy products, high quality soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, and aromatic candles. We are a high quality supply chain partner to many leading brands in local and export markets.


We bring over 25 years experience in harvesting, processing, and exporting our products.

At Wild Wood Oils Australia, we supply cosmetic, fragrance and aromatherapy companies worldwide with premium quality wood oils extracted from native Australian timbers.

We’ve drawn from the traditional knowledge of Australia’s indigenous people, who have used native timber oils for medicinal and health promoting benefits for thousands of years.

We employ ethical practices in the production of our wood oils, from the harvesting of timbers through to operations within our commercial distillation facility.

We support sustainable harvest that works in keeping with the fragile ecology of the arid regions of Australia. Our native wood oils are naturally steam distilled to preserve structure and integrity.

We continue to invest in our distillation equipment and methods to further discover, capture and isolate new and interesting characteristics in our oils.

Bringing the Australian Outback to you!

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